The Baby Breininger Blog

Welcome friends! In 2007 we started this blog to share the status of our adoption process. After an excrutiatingly long wait, we travelled to Haiti in June 2009 and brought our girl home on July 15. Now this blog is a place for us to share pictures and videos, give updates and brag about how wonderful she is. Enjoy!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Together At Last!

I wanted to give you an update on our lives this week, as it's been a huge one. We are now the proud parents of the sassiest, cutest, funniest, smartest toddler you've ever encountered!

Her birth mother was interviewed by the embassy on Wed and left Port au Prince on Thursday afternoon. Since then we've been thrown into parenthood and are trying our best to always have snacks, water, wet wipes, and toys on hand. The first night we could not believe it when we got to sleep with that sweet thing in between the two of us. We were even more shocked when, in the middle of reading, she said, "Dormi" (sleep), closed her eyes and went to sleep.

She eats as quickly and ferociously as I do and snores like me. She likes the same foods as Sean (Coffee, french fries, cheetos) and loves to sleep a lot like her dad. She had her first trip in the swimming pool today and LOVED IT. She's very self reliant and feeds, bathes, and clothes herself!

Because we're so in love and because things here have gone very well, we're not coming home without her. We will not be home as planned on June 25 and are not exactly sure when we will be back, but think it will be around the first of July. It's frustrating to have to stay here, especially because our money is quickly running out,after paying for hotel rooms, food, taxis, fees for adoption stuff, etc. , but we feel safe and are well taken care of.

The steps that still need to be taken before we go home is that the birth mother needs to find her own birth certificate, which will be ready by Tuesday, with that she and Bedeline will get a DNA test on Thursday, then we wait for the results, which e're having expedited (amazing what you can get done if you beg and say you'll pay more). As soon as the embassy gets the results (a week or less) we get our interview for the visa and then the visa is issued either that day or the next business day.

Since our arrival we have encountered so many angels and have experienced countless miracles. Everything from the Priest that works with Sean's organization being on our plane from Miami and therefore able to help us with a number of things, to the Embassy granting us the interview even though we had a ton of reasons why they shouldn't have (including that we just showed up w/o an appt) to a canadian dr at the DNA clinic making phone calls on our behalf. Even the fact that our hotel room ceiling started dripping last night, meaning we had to change rooms at 4am (B never went back to sleep after that) we think will work out as Sean's trying to use it to get us some free rooms. We have just been overwhelmed by the amazing amazing things that have happened so far. The time has not been w'/o frustration, but for the most part it's been wonderful.

Bedeline has adjusted SO beautifully. She is completely comfortable with us and is already callng us Mommy and Daddy. My creole gets stronger each day and we've started to teach her some words as well. It's an amazing joy to be able to walk around the hotel with her and answer "yes" when people ask if she's my daughter.

Love to you all! Keep your prayers, both of thanksgiving for this amazin beautiful child, and for speed of the process, coming. We cannot wait to introduce her to each of you. As for the original plan that everything would be overwhelming for her at first and we wouldn't be able to see people for awhile-this girl is happiest when she's in the car/eating/doing something new and she's won over the hearts of the hotel guests (she even got us invited to a wedding reception at the hotel tonight!) so you'll all get to see her when we return.

I'm not sure when Sean will let me announce her name, but she already responds to it and the people who have met her say it's a beautiful name. love you all and enjoy the pics!:)


Joanna said...

Praise God! I am so happy for all of you. My heart has so much joy. I can feel your frustration and can't really imagine how hot you are there right now.
To God be the glory!

Rachel Pennig said...

Alison and Sean,

You have no idea how happy am I for the two of you. It's so wonderful to see all your work, prayers, wishes, and dreams finally come true. I am so happy you are with your little girl!!

Congratulations on becoming Mommy and Daddy!

kgessert said...


wendy said...

So happy for you! Things are moving in the right direction. YOur prayers have been answered. Stay safe, before you know it you will be back in MN. Take good care. Wonderful news for all of you. Glad she is feeling better, she sure looks happy! It is all meant to be

Deborah said...

Congratulations! Love the photos - send more when you can!!! God bless you in these final stages. It's so much easier once she is with you, isn't it?

ts said...

I just saw on facebook that you are now with your girl! I am so happy for you, the next beautiful journey has just begun. I will be sending good thoughts your way for smooth paperwork and quick processing of your visa!

Jacks said...

Hooray! Such wonderful news!!! I hope that everything else goes smoothly and quickly. Looking forward to meeting your sassy toddler when I visit later this summer! Miss you! Sending you much love!

JenniferSH said...

That's great news Allison! Congratulations. Soli Deo Gloria.

The Hoesings

AmyB said...

I am so so happy!!!!!! Was thinking about you all while playing in a water park w/ Henry and wondering how things were going. Kim told me about your update and I'm about to cry with happiness at work.

Be well my dears and PLEASE, let us know if there is anything you want/need while you're gone, when you return, whenever. much love, Amy and Henry

Melanie said...

This is the best news I've heard in months!!!!! It's brought tears to my eyes... You're going to be the most wonderful parents! I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers as you cross the finish line. We're moving back in August and can't want to meet your beautiful daughter!!!

Samantha said...

I can't TELL you how tempted I am to say, "Whatever, when do I get my suitcase back?"

...very few people would know how VERY kidding I would be!

I'm crying. So very happy and relieved and humbled.

...buying stuff! :D

I love you THREE so very much.


Unknown said...

So, I came here today to read this post AGAIN because it's so wonderful...I can't wait to meet the little one and will be eagerly awaiting news from you all! Love you!

Jessica said...

Congratulations to you guys - I've been following on occasion and am so happy to read the good news! Prayers for you that things will go smoothly and quickly and that the three of you will be on your way home very soon!

Jamie said...

Hooray! She is ADORABLE! Congrats to you both!

Linda Goldetsky said...

Alison and Sean,

How wonderful to meet your daughter via the photo journal. Your blog helped me learn about your amazing experience. It will be a story to be told and retold for generations.

I anxiously await an opportunity to see you all together.

See you soon. Congratulations.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you. I am amazed at what you guys are accomplishing. You are a natural at parenting.
Love, Jane