The Baby Breininger Blog

Welcome friends! In 2007 we started this blog to share the status of our adoption process. After an excrutiatingly long wait, we travelled to Haiti in June 2009 and brought our girl home on July 15. Now this blog is a place for us to share pictures and videos, give updates and brag about how wonderful she is. Enjoy!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Good News!

We got notice today that US Immigration has approved us and has sent our approval to the Consulate in Haiti! I know there was a blog posting months ago saying the same thing, but they had to approve two parts, and this was the second one. This is a huge relief, after the letter we got last week asking for something we wouldn't be able to get from Haiti for weeks, not to mention translation, etc. Apparently they decided we were fine without that. They are also asking for background checks on someone we've never heard of, so we're not quite sure what that's all about, but we're so grateful and relieved to have some good news.

We're still waiting anxiously for the IBESR to sign, as that's all that's holding things up now.

They say that God won't give you more than you can handle, and I think I was about to give up on the whole thing this afternoon...and then I got the email with the approval notice. This has been a long and difficult journey for us both and we know we're not at the end yet, but it's nice to think that we may be getting to the end-ish. I know that it's been difficult for all of you to watch us go through this and not know what to say or do. Know that we appreciate so much the regularity with which so many of you check the blog, these days we appreciate most the LACK of questions we've been getting, and most of all we appreciate the prayers. As a friend put it the other night, "Everytime I log on to the blog-and I do everyday-it's a reminder to send up a prayer." We've got a site tracker on the blog and are able to see the number of people who look at the blog and also what states and countries are represented. It's so powerful for us to know that people all around the country, and a few outside the US, are checking in. Thanks.


pj said...

this is great news... you are surely in my thoughts all the time... we're saving up our miles to come visit you and baby as soon as we hear the word. we love you!!

Unknown said...

Hi, you two! Just wanted to let you know that I am among the multitudes who check the blog regularly. I'm so glad to hear that things keep puttering along, but I can't imagine how frustrating this is for you, too. I love you lots and will keep following your progress. Take care--and Happy Thanksgiving!