The Baby Breininger Blog

Welcome friends! In 2007 we started this blog to share the status of our adoption process. After an excrutiatingly long wait, we travelled to Haiti in June 2009 and brought our girl home on July 15. Now this blog is a place for us to share pictures and videos, give updates and brag about how wonderful she is. Enjoy!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

A week in the life of a Breininger

Nothing is ever easy in Breininger land these days. What we thought would be a simple visit to the Fancy Fingerprint Office turned into a bit of a mini-crisis (which felt, at the time, like a major crisis). Short version is: Adam (sean's brother who lives w/ us) needed to be fingerprinted as well because he's an adult in the household. However, he was not sent the form that was necessary to make that happen. So, all 3 of us showed up for that appointment and he was unable to be fingerprinted. We called in our agency for help and they came to our rescue. We hope to have a fingerprint appointment for him very soon. And we pray that it's not 4 weeks out like ours were.

We're trying hard to live calmly in this life of limbo, not knowing when we may be called to fly off to Haiti at a moments notice to become parents overnight. Not an easy way to live. I'm feeling the pressure to do lots of fun crazy things in the upcoming months, knowing that soon (hopefully) we won't be able to do those things. However, we're trying to save every vacation day for our maternity/paternity leave and every dollar for adoption expenses. That leaves us trying to think of fun things to do that require no time or money! I've been reading a ton and am thinking about re-learning French this summer. I know that sounds totally nerdy, but we're hoping to put Bedeline in a French Immersion child care so that she'll be able to learn Creole more easily if she chooses to later. I'm thinking it would be nice to be able to speak French w/ her and it would help w/ my Creole as well. If you have any suggestions about what we should be doing in these final weeks/months, send them our way.

One thing we're doing is having a Big Ol' Party to raise money for Haiti. We have a few causes that we made personal connections with on our trip and would love to raise as much money for them as we can. August 4 at 6:30 pm. Our backyard. Put it on your calendars! I'll be sending an Evite out soon.

Tomorrow, June 15, is our 5 year anniversary! Crazy to think that it's already been five whole years! We feel very blessed to have found each other at the tender age of sixteeen and are grateful every day for each other.

How about another picture??? I wish we could add video to our blog so you could hear this baby's giggles and babbles. You think she's cute in a stillframe shot? You ain't seen nothin yet! Can't wait for you all to meet her!

1 comment:

Jean C. said...

Are you guys hauling around sacks of flour in preparation for holding this baby? Might be a good idea.